Puppies must be a minimum of 8 weeks old for pickup.
Puppies can be picked up from Sunday through Friday starting as early as 9am. You must set up a date and time for pickup so we have everything ready for you. We try to space out pickup times an hour apart. This gives us enough time to go over your puppy kit and answer your questions. Please be on time as being early or late may impact others.
No Saturday pickups.
We recommend you bring a crate or box to put the puppy in for safe travel home. Never leave your puppy loose in the vehicle as they may become injured. You may also want to bring paper towels, bowls and water.
For the safety of our puppies we ask that if you have other pets we prefer you leave them at home. If you do bring them with you, they must remain in the vehicle.. This helps us keep our property clean and free of dangerous diseases that affect puppies.
Try and take your puppy straight home. Letting your puppy out to potty at rest areas or taking them to stores can increase their likelihood of getting an illness. Remember your puppy has only had its first set of vaccinations and needs to finish its series before it is completely safe.
Balances: We prefer balances to be paid in cash. We will also accept most credit cards and debit cards.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Never give your dogs the Lepto vaccine. It can cause severe reactions!!